
*Listens to Give Me Novacaine*

2:03 a.m. 
Feels weird.
And Itchy. 

Don't tell me goodbye, Capisce?
I’m leaving. It sucks since I’ve had a whale of a time here with my little family members. I don’t even know what I feel. It’s just so weird that it gives me an existentialist crisis all over again. Sitting here in guests room, having a writer’s block, Ugh! it really sucks. I’m just not on a writing spree I guess. But I can’t get my hands off the keyboard goddamit! consider this a kind of stream-of-conciousness, and mind my goofiness, it went frenzy again. 

Guess I’ll go back to my daily grind. A lethargic way of living away from your parent’s house, though I’ll go back to meet my lunatic flatmates, but it still feels awkward. The mood will change again, not that one’s different from the other, but because you don’t easily adapt with your status quo. What I miss there is, basically independence. That and Triangle (our Central Perk). We have better coffeeshops here, way better, but the aura of that one is just so refreshing. I also miss my nocturnal showers. I love taking a shower at 3 a.m. and before I go to class or run big errands. 
I do miss some of my classmates, and some of my professors too, I guess. But what I miss more, is our intellectual confabulations. Ugh! these are the best, we talk some intelligentsia-kind-of shit. I guess we should talk about Post-humanism next at 4 a.m. sounds perfect for what it’s worth. After midnight, it’s always creative and groovy. We do some of the idiotic shenanigans when we have long-ass assignments that we put off to the last-ditch moments. It’s pretty much equivalent to being filled with schooners of booze, coming back from a bar at dusk. When we have that, we don’t sleep until we come back from class. But before we go, we dance. Neanderthal and Bonobo’s dances. Make their sounds? Yes we say Ooga Ooga! at 7:45 a.m before class. 

Dear Family: While this might sound cliché, but I really hate them fucking goodbyes man. I’m a fucking delicate person when it comes to emotions, I easily shed tears, they’re literally in the precocious of my eyes waiting for the slightest excuse to burst. Take it easy on me, I’ll come back in a jiffy. 

