Akimbo: A Poem on “I Told You So"


Batman with Arms Akimbo.

I told you so. 
I told you not to tamper with that
Monkey-see-monkey do
Gluttony, covet, and stingy khaki slacks.

I told you so. 
I foreshadowed, alas stingy, you ain’t listening 
Don’t bite the hands that feed you,
Harken! earthly reckoning is always beckoning.

Come by, and ask for an iota of repentance 
Come high or hell water, culprit!
You’ll beseech a reason for your existence
Walk on grass-hoppers, relish it.

Akimbo! Akimbo! I’m doing this gesture to tell you
Akimbo! Akimbo! I told you so but I don’t seek to besmirch you. 

This poem is basically about, the I-told-u-before kind of people. Those who wait for your toppling to unleash the superhero within them. I fucking despise these kinds of people. Instead of standing by your side on your hardships, they add insult to injury, making sure they ascribe your sufferance’s result to themselves first. Although the story in this is composed for a different purpose, a stingy person, who wears slacks, who’s a wrong-doer trying to face his own retribution, but rather he is a stubborn who scarcely shows signs of remorse, but the leitmotif is one, which is that of “I told u before”. 

The poem is a Sonnet, four Quatrains, and a Couplet. Rhyme scheme is, "ABAB - CDCD - EFEF - GG"


  1. remember when i was copying ur poetry exam, cuz i hated thta shit


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